Thursday, May 22, 2014

Citrus Cinnamon Fruit Salad Dressing

This fruit salad has a citrus kick that keeps it fresh in the fridge for a few days! It is a great way to change the way you usually eat fruit, and it quick and easy to make! There are so many possibilities and combinations of fruit that you can enjoy it time and time again!

One of the hardest things about eating healthy is finding the time and energy to cook healthy. To make this easier I make a lot of my meals and snacks on Sunday so I am prepared for the week. I do not want to eat the same thing everyday for a week so I either make a variety, or I plan to cook again on Wednesday. On weekends I enjoy fresh meals and my favourite foods! One food that gets boring is fruit. I get tired of eating apples, bananas and kiwis day in and day out. I eat these because they are an easy grab and go snack. However, this week I made a fruit salad that stays fresh for a few days! Fruit salads tend to get soggy and brown fast. While covering them in lemon juice can fix this problem, it can overpower the flavour. Thankfully, any type of citrus juice can keep fruits fresh longer. The perfect fruit salad comes down to using the right fruits and dressings to keep things fresh.

It is finally spring and so many fresh fruits are available! I was so excited to see melons like honeydew, cantaloupe, and papaya in the produce section at the grocery store.  I stocked up on my favorite berries and melons and came home to make a salad. I used all my favorites - strawberries, blackberries, mango, kiwi, and papaya. These are what i find stay freshest in a fruit salad that you plan on eating for a few days. To keep it fresh I added a cinnamon citrus dressing for some punch!

Citrus Cinnamon Fruit Salad Dressing

The juice from one orange
1 Tbs Cinnamon
1 Tsp Honey

Pour over fruit salad and enjoy :)

Seems pretty simple right? Thats because it is! It tastes good, and gives some variety to snacks. Being healthy should be exciting and refreshing! That is one of the keys to staying motivated and excited about your success!

I hope everyone is having a good week!

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