Sunday, August 17, 2014

Three Goals for Motivation

School starts in a few short weeks and it is time to get back on track so I am prepared for anything that will come my way! Here are three goals that I have for myself and everyone else that is trying to live a healthy life!

1. Plan Ahead - I always find that I eat better if I take the time to plan my meals a few days ahead, find out their weight watchers points, and prepare everything I can in advance. This ensures that I know what I am eating and how many points I have left everyday. Cooking in advance prevents me from eating an unhealthy meal when I am in a rush. It also ensures that I know exactly what is in my food, so there is no chance of eating gluten.

2. Routine - While its nice to have days off, I find that I sleep in, lay around, miss meals, and generally do not do anything productive. To be successful at reaching my goals I need to have a routine. This involves getting up at the same time, eating breakfast, having healthy snacks, and making the time to go to the gym, yoga, or for a walk around the neighbourhood. I am a creature of habit. I like having my days schedule so I know exactly where I will be when. This way I can plan my workout and meals or snacks for when I have school or work. I included the name balance in my blog title because I believe that having a balance between school work, working out, spending time with friends, and making time for yourself is the most important part of living a happy and rewarding life. This is one thing that I need to focus on.

3. Change things up - Eating the same things everyday gets boring. I am going to try to make enough food that I do not need to cook everyday, but something that I can change up everyday and make it good. This is the same thing with working out. If I do the same thing daily I eventually get bored and quit all together. I will make a plan to alternate workouts and make sure I have extra time for some juicy hot yoga.

These are three key things that I need to do in order to stay motivated and reach my goals. I also need to make sure that I make time for the things I enjoy doing. Taking time for myself is one of the most rewarding parts of my day. I love to cook, I need to take the time to make dishes that I enjoy. Figuring out how to make them gluten free and healthy can be a challenge. But if it tastes good then it is incredibly rewarding!

The fruit and vegetable stands are full of delicious and fresh foods right now! Every time I go I find myself inspired with new idea and overwhelmed with all the possibilities! Last week I bought some eggplant and wasn't really sure what to do with it. After much research I tried something simple, and it turned out to be very satisfying! Later this week I'm going to try more experimenting and see what deliciousness I can come up with.

Tomorrow is jam and salsa day! I have never canned before, but I am so excited to try! I got some wonderful looking fresh peaches at the fruit stand today and they will be perfect for jam. There are so many possibilities with all of the fresh foods available. Check out my Rhubarb Muffins, and Cheeky Cherry Bread for some ideas!

Tonight is Sunday, and tomorrow is the start of a new week. A new week full of promise and possibilities. I am going to spend the evening enjoying a cup of tea and planning my meals for the week. I find writing on balance and elegance to be very rewarding, I am still very new to it and would love any feedback from readers (good and bad) so I can grow into a better blogger! My main goal is to blog more frequently. I do post yummy food ideas on my instagram between posts - feel free to follow me for more ideas @_kacimarie

Have a great week! and remember to plan ahead!

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