Quinoa is such a versatile grain that can be enjoyed in many ways! It is gluten free and makes the perfect summer salad for summer picnics. It can also be used in stir fry, or eaten on its own. It takes on the flavour of whatever you mix it with, and is perfect with fresh vegetables and dill for a refreshing salad.
Finals are finally done and I have taken a few days off to relax and enjoy the nice weather before starting my online class. It is going to be a busy month trying to get this class done, and finding the time to enjoy summer. I have been hanging out in the Okanagan and to ensure that I stay on track with eating healthy and working out while being away I bought a punch card at the leisure centre. I am excited to try classes that we do not have in Kamloops, like aqua zumba and aqua yoga! I am making sure to track all my food, and before eating I am trying to think "Is this worth the points?" Planning ahead is still a big part of my healthy eating goals. There are so many fun outdoor things to do here! Hopefully there will be some time for SUP yoga, and a few hikes!
The hardest part about eating healthy is that food is always on the mind - And not the healthy food I should be eating. I am consumed by thoughts of slurpees, dill pickle chips, and hot dogs. I want to indulge, but it is to soon. Indulging before eating healthy is a habit again can throw everything onto a bad track. Its okay to treat yourself, but it is also easy to get distracted or keep thinking "one won't hurt!" One often turns into two, and then three. Before you know it you have eaten way more than you should have and you feel bad about it. The key part to staying on track isn't always being heathy, its allowing yourself those bad foods in moderation. If you deprive yourself all the time you will end up indulging way to much and all success will be for nothing.
One of my favourite summer treats is a Quinoa Vegetable Salad. It is perfect to eat fresh, or it can be frozen and enjoyed later, with stir fry, or as a side to any meal! It is great for barbecues and is a fresh change from potato and macaroni salads! It can be enjoyed hot or cold and is perfect for anyone needing ideas for the upcoming long weekend parties!
Quinoa Vegetable Salad
1 Cup Baby Corn
1 Cup Snap Peas
1 Cup Tomatoes
1 Cup Broccoli
Juice from 1 Lemon
Fresh Dill
Combine all ingredients and mix together! It is quick and simple. You can use any vegetables in this. However, I find that these ones freeze best and do not get watery. The lemon and Dill are all that is necessary for the dressing and add plenty of flavour. The vegetables offer a lot of natural flavour, so using too much dressing can ruin the fresh flavour.
Makes 8 Servings
I am very excited to spend some time blogging! If anyone has some suggestions on how I can improve or any changes I can make please let me know! I have a list of things to do on my days off, but I am starting by reading Blog Inc by Joy Deangdeelert Cho! I have heard great things about it and cannot wait to start learning! I really enjoy blogging and hope to create a sense of community for other people that struggle to eat healthy with celiac disease and balance their busy lives with a healthy lifestyle. Have a good day!
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